As Spring appears, bringing with it the promise of warmer days and blooming gardens, many of us feel the urge to refresh and rejuvenate our homes. Spring cleaning is a time-honoured tradition that allows us to clear out the cobwebs of winter, both literally and metaphorically, and create a cleaner, healthier environment for our families. We believe in doing so in a way that not only benefits our homes but also the planet. Here’s your guide to a thorough, eco-friendly spring clean that will leave your home sparkling and your environmental conscience clear.

The Eco-Friendly Mindset

Spring cleaning with an eco-friendly mindset means choosing methods and products that minimise harm to the environment. It’s about being mindful of the waste we generate and the chemicals we introduce into our homes and, eventually, into nature. This approach not only contributes to the health of our planet but often to the health of our households as well, reducing exposure to harsh chemicals.


Before diving into cleaning, decluttering is a necessary first step. It’s an opportunity to evaluate what items in your home still serve you and which can be donated, recycled, or, if necessary, disposed of responsibly. A clutter-free home is not only easier to clean but also more peaceful to live in.

Natural Cleaning Solutions

For most cleaning tasks, there’s no need to rely on harsh chemicals. Many effective, natural alternatives can be found right in your kitchen. Here are a few essentials:

  • Vinegar: An all-purpose cleaner, vinegar is great for windows, mirrors, and surfaces. Its acidity cuts through grime and leaves surfaces shining.
  • Baking Soda: With its mild abrasive qualities, baking soda is perfect for scrubbing sinks, countertops, and even oven interiors.
  • Lemon: A natural disinfectant, lemon is ideal for tackling limescale and adding a fresh scent to your cleaning routine.
  • Essential Oils: Adding essential oils like lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus to your homemade cleaning solutions can boost their cleaning power and leave your home smelling delightful.

Focus Areas for Spring Cleaning

  • Windows and Curtains: Let the spring light shine through by giving your windows a thorough clean. Don’t forget to wash or vacuum curtains and blinds, which can accumulate dust over the winter months.
  • Kitchen Deep Clean: Tackle the oven, degrease cabinets, and organise the pantry. 
  • Wardrobe Refresh: As you swap out winter clothes for spring attire, consider donating items you no longer wear. Freshen up your wardrobe by washing or airing out clothes that have been stored away.
  • Living Spaces: Dust and polish furniture, clean upholstery, and wash throw pillows and blankets to remove dust mites and allergens.
  • Outdoor Areas: Sweep patios, clean outdoor furniture, and tidy up garden tools. 

Sustainable Waste Management

As you declutter and clean, you’ll inevitably generate waste. Be mindful of how you dispose of items:

  • Recycle: Ensure that recyclable materials are properly sorted.
  • Donate: Items in good condition can find a new home through donations, reducing waste.
  • Compost: Organic waste, such as kitchen scraps from cleaning the fridge, can be composted to enrich your garden soil.

Our Commitment

At RS Eco, we’re committed to supporting your eco-friendly spring cleaning with products that are both effective and kind to the environment. For example, our IMPERIUM degreaser is perfect for tackling tough kitchen grease naturally, without harmful chemicals. Our range of cleaning solutions is designed to meet all your spring cleaning needs while ensuring the well-being of your family and the planet.

In embracing these eco-friendly spring cleaning tips, you’re not just tidying up your home; you’re contributing to a healthier planet. Spring is a time of renewal and growth, and by choosing sustainable cleaning practices, we align our homes with the cycles of nature, creating spaces that nurture both our families and the environment. Let this spring be the start of a cleaner, greener lifestyle that lasts all year round.